Thursday, September 9, 2010

Excess water retention may lead to acne

When a buildup of water in the spaces between cells and tissues occurs, it is known as water retention. Water may begin to leak into the surrounding tissues when excess pressure is put on the blood vessels. There are various factors, which lead to water retention. One of the biggest causes is actually insufficient water intake. When your body is deprived of adequate amount of water, it starts storing water in the tissues. If you replenish your body with water regularly, it will stop storing water for survival.

Diet plays an important role in retention of water. Among all other causes that are food related, salt is a major one.

Excess of processed salt in the body causes water to come out of the cells and dilute the salt. You should drink a lot of fresh water in order to remove this salt. Excess salt can be flushed out of your kidneys and liver. Other liquids and foods such as sugar and alcohol cause retention by putting an extra load on your kidneys and slow down the function of the kidneys. Water retention leads to many kidney diseases as well.

Acne is caused by water retention as the skin pores are blocked and the bacteria present in the pores mixes with oil and other toxins. There are various types of acne treatments available on the market, out of only a few are effective. Skin doctors Zit Zapper helps eliminate acne fast.

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